Archive Arts & Community events


Picture 14

multi-story exhibition

multi-story - in Dunoon

Burgh Hall, 195 Argyll Street
Dunoon PA23 7DE
T 01369 703302

Exhibition runs: 10th July - 4th September
Open Sat 10am - 4pm,
and Thurs and Friday throughout school holidays.

Following its successful stretch at the Gallery of Modern Art, the multi-story exhibition will be going down the west coast and across the water to Dunoon Burgh Halls. If you missed it in Glasgow then this is a wonderful opportunity for a day out one weekend to catch most of what was in the show at GoMA.

multi-story is a collaborative arts project based in the distinctive Red Road housing estate, North Glasgow. Established in 2004 by Street Level Photoworks in partnership with The Scottish Refugee Council and the YMCA, it supports the integration of asylum seekers and refugees through creative activity, celebrating the different cultural traditions coexisting within the changing community. In 2007 plans for the demolition of all seven Red Road tower blocks were announced, signalling the end for these iconic Glasgow landmarks. This unique exhibition showcases artworks created in the last two years by local residents from over 15 countries, with a number of community organisations, and artists Lindsay Perth and Iseult Timmermans. Using traditional and contemporary art practices in photography and digital video, the work documents residents views and memories as well as explore issues around regeneration and the creation of new communities.



Red Road Novel

The Red Road Flats Project has teamed up with author Alison Irvine to create a piece of fiction which recounts the history of the Red Road Flats and tells the stories of the lives of residents, past and present. Incorporated within the piece will be detail on how the flats came about, how they were perceived, what happened in the ensuing years and how the flats are now. The piece of fiction will be based on real-life stories of residents. The stories will be separate yet interconnected, with linking themes, metaphors and characters.

THIS ROAD IS RED will be launched at the Aye Write Festival in March 2011. More details to follow




creative_writing_groupCreative Writing Groups

The Red Road area is changing forever. Once, this series of high-rise buildings was the tallest in Europe. By the year 2015, the flats will have disappeared forever. Generations of families have lived and been brought up in Red Road and have many memories, good and bad, of life there.

Even if you didn’t live in the high-rise buildings, maybe your house looks on to them, and the view from your windows will be changed forever. We want to make sure that a written record will be kept about what it was like to live in or near these buildings. We are therefore planning to start a Creative Writing Group in the area.

The workshop is for beginners who want to write but are not sure where to start or for those who write a little already and would like help to improve or share their writing. The main focus is on getting ideas and feelings down on paper, so don’t worry too much about things like spelling or grammar. The session will last for two hours. It will take the form of discussion, practical exercises in playing with words and in writing imaginatively. After some discussion and instruction, participants will be expected to put pen to paper and produce at least one piece of writing. There will also be an opportunity to read out work produced but there will be no obligation to do so. The workshop aims to be fun! All materials will be provided and there will be no charge for the workshop. Come along and give it a try! If you enjoy the workshop, we can arrange a longer course. For more information call Jane on 0141 276 0920 or email


A new film documenting a Pinhole Photography workshop and Camera Obscura.

multi-story artist Iseult Timmermans converted rooms in an empty flat on the Red Road into camera obscuras.

In the living room the image of the Iconic flats was wrapped around the walls, while in the bedrooms clouds blew wildly across the floor, tiny cars could be seen scurrying across the ceiling and occasionally seagulls swooped across the whole view. Iseult involved people from across the community in workshop sessions during the Easter holidays, viewing the obscura rooms and then making their own pinhole cameras from old tins and boxes. The camera obscura and pinhole photography demonstrated the simple magic of the photographic process and never failed to amaze and engage people of all ages and backgrounds.


fab pad

Fab Pad was set up in 1998 by Impact Arts as an innovative youth housing project, working with the most vulnerable young people in Glasgow. It is a tailored project focusing specifically on an individual young person’s needs at a vital stage in their progression out of a chaotic lifestyle – when he or she starts a new tenancy.  Fab Pad linked up with GHA Red Road Balornock to develop 4 community flats at 10 Red Road Court. The space was split into two sets of two flats, with one set being used as an office and workshop space.

The other two flats are being developed into the show home space, with volunteers designing each room. We have worked with 46 people in the main Fab Pad programme and a further 87 people in our taster programme in North Glasgow since April 1st 2008. The activities have included DIY, making items for your home, interior design workshops and the design and decoration of the flat itself.



Red Road Mapping - Impact Arts worked with young people aged ten – twenty years old to create an initial artwork and start collecting documentation material that could be used later on in the arts process. This included sound, video and photographic material.  The project theme identified was the documentation of the historic moment of the first flats coming down. We aimed to capture a transitional moment in time. The culminating artwork drew on the participants’ own stories and the stories of their communities to map the flats in a variety of creative ways. The project also offered inter-generational opportunities. The aim of the final artworks was to leave a legacy behind that could be used beyond the project and at a time when the flats are no longer there.


gallery 37

Gallery 37 began in the city of Chicago in 1991, and started as a summer job training program for young people ages 14 to 21.  Its purpose was to attract artistically inclined young people to work alongside professional, trained artists on a range of creative and artistic activities, learning a variety of skills that could then translate to the workplace.  The Gallery 37 model was then adopted in Chicago’s city sister of Birmingham, and in the summer of 2005 Impact Arts held its first Gallery 37 program in Glasgow.

The 2009 Impact Arts Gallery 37 program is going to be presented in 4 different geographic areas of Glasgow, and in the North, we have devised the following program which will target 20 young people ages 14-17 in the community area of Red Road.  The program will be run out of the Red Road flats, where the Impact Arts team works out of the 23rd floor.  The aim of our program was to work with the young people to turn the existing Impact Arts space on the 23rd floor into an interactive arts and media gallery with performance space.  Projects will be led by different tutors, who each week will offer the young people opportunities to participate in drama, dance, animation, visual art and creative writing activities.   The outcomes and products of these activities will in turn relate, express and reflect upon what life is like living at Red Road.
